Thursday 22 March 2012



Interpretational Art
  • Landscape Van Gogh Style. Learn how to paint landscapes like Van Gogh. Then try painting one of your own using this site.
  • Phototropism. Sculpters that react to like plants to weather conditions. Create a futuristic landscape with them.

  • Sea Saws. Create your seascape or lanscape using digital recyclable materials.

Abstract Art
  • Mondrimat. Create a picture with space, color and visual rhythm in accordance with the theories of Piet Mondrian.

  • Viscosity. Create abstract art with viscosity.
  • Bomomo. It is another Web-based drawing application. Try out all the clever tools below the canvas and create amazing and colorful spirals, curves, lines and patterns.

  • ArtPad. Paintings can be saved to the gallery and be replayed stroke by stroke by others. Many people publish videos replaying their creations to Youtube.

  • Canvastic. You can create a picture with shapes, stars and lines.

A littel bit of everything:
  • MoMA activities. Explore the New York Museum and learn about different artists.
  • Detail Detective. You will find portraits, still life, abstract paintings, hyperrealistic artworks... everything we have studied these days.

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